Check Ready Nodes
Check to see how many nodes are ready (not including nodes tainted NoScedule) and write the number to /var/CKA2022/RN0001
kubectl get nodes | grep -i -w ready
kubectl describe node hk8s-m | grep -i NoSchedule
kubectl describe node hk8s-w1 | grep -i NoSchedule
kubectl describe node hk8s-w1 | grep -i taints
echo "1" > /var/CKA2022/RN0001
Count the Number of NOdes That are ready to run normal workloads
Determine how many nodes in the cluster are ready to run normal workloads. Output this number to the file /var/CKA2022/NODE-Count
kubectl get nodes | grep -i -w ready | wc -l > /var/CKA2022/NODE-Count
cat /var/CKA2022/Node-Count